Deeper with Jesus: Day 3

This is our third of the 4 Tuesdays of fasting and prayer in November. We are praying together to lay the foundation for our 2024 theme “Deeper with Jesus.”

Exploring The Deep Requires and Brings Great Light

We continue as we have been using the depths of the sea and ocean to learn a thing or two about going deeper with Jesus. Deep sea divers rely on a variety of equipment for a successful dive. One of the most basic tools besides specialized clothing and underwater breathing apparatus that every diver needs is a powerful set of lighting equipment. Why? Because it is dark down below.

On the first Tuesday, while thinking on this subject, I was led to Genesis 1:1-3 where the Bible records that darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. Among other things, we see that the first thing to happen after we read about the Spirit hovering over the deep was God’s voice saying “Let there be light.” Then all of creation followed. There is a direct correlation to my mind that if we reject the shallow and seek depth in Christ we will find more light revealing even greater things plus we will become more creative. Let me put it this way: only those who seek a deeper walk will have the divine ability to create what God wants on the earth. A shallow Christian will be ineffective and struggle in their walk with God. They will be easy prey for satan as darkness increases on the earth.

The prophet Simeon makes an interesting prophetic observation and declaration when he came out by the leading of the Spirit at Baby Jesus’ dedication. He called “Jesus a light to bring revelation to gentiles.”

For my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared before the face of all peoples,
A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.”

Luke 2:30-32 NKJV

Jesus said of Himself “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

In Luke 24:13-35 we read the account (Please read it) of two disciples of the Lord who embarked on a trip to Emmaus after the crucifixion. They were talking about the events surrounding the crucifixion as they journeyed. Everything that had occurred was fresh in their memory and the account shows that they had acute knowledge of the events and of the person of Jesus, the women, other disciples, and even scripture but yet they could not recognize Him until much later when He broke bread with them. Their eyes were suddenly opened and they recognized Him.

Now it came to pass, as He sat at the table with them, that He took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they knew Him; and He vanished from their sight.

Luke 24:30-31 NKJV

What was their reaction? They went back to Jerusalem that night just like the women did from the empty tomb, to announce what they had just witnessed. With all the knowledge of current events around the son of God, their eyes were still shut, and their hearts didn’t burn within them until Jesus Himself began to speak the scriptures to them. We don’t remain the same. The truth we find here is that a deeper encounter with Jesus will change you and me for the better.

And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” So they rose up that very hour and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven and those who were with them gathered together, saying, “The Lord is risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!” And they told about the things that had happened on the road, and how He was known to them in the breaking of bread.

Luke 24:32-35 NKJV

They saw and experienced the great light of Jesus. We must of necessity in our dark time experience the Great Light Jesus has to offer each in our own respective place.

I Desire Jesus

Let Us Pray

Pray Out Loud the written prayer below (You can also create your own variations as well using the same pattern)

Father in Heaven, AgeIess and Glorious One, Beginning and The End, the Omnipotent and Omnipresent God. You who knows all things. Your wisdom and knowledge are beyond compare. I worship and praise Your Holy Name. You are God and besides You, there is none else. You reign from Heaven forever. Your Throne and Your Kingdom are established forever.

Your Kingdom come. Father, God, Your will be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven. I thank you today and always Lord for your everlasting love for me. I thank You for Your Son Jesus Christ who took my place on the cross to pay the penalty of original sin in order to bring me into a relationship with You. I believe that Jesus calls me into a Deeper Walk with Him and in You. I believe that You have a plan for my life. I submit to Your will for a deeper walk in You. I believe that Jesus wants me to first be with Him, learning to enjoy His company above all else. Father, in Your mercy, lead me into deeper areas of your many Rivers. Jesus said whoever believes in You, out of their Spirit will flow Rivers of Living Water. Lord, I believe!

I forgive all those who have offended me and refuse to hold a grudge. Help me release every offender today and always. Forgive me sins of omission and commission. You are Great, Awesome in Strength and Glory. Provide for those things I need, those that I am aware of, and those that I am not. My life and the life of my family are in Your hands.

Lead me and every one of us and your church away from temptation. Deliver me from the evil lurking and growing exponentially in the world today. Deliver my family and Your church from the evil rising up and spreading across the land. Arise and let your enemies be scattered. You alone have all the power all the glory. No devil on earth can withstand the move of Your Holy Spirit. Thank You, Lord, for everything You do and what You will yet do.

Let us Pray. Read and Meditate on Luke 24:13-35. Look for praise and prayer requests from the verses. Dont Rush!

  • Write out or make a note of what prayer requests for yourself arise out of the scripture reading.
  • In addition, add the following:
  • Pray that the eyes of the church be open for a deeper revelation of Christ from the Holy Spirit.
  • Pray that we may become creative with the light we receive to help us do the works pf our Father
  • Ask God for the grace to pursue a deeper walk with Jesus Christ now, in 2024, and beyond. Galatians 2:20
  • Praise God for the gift of eternal life and begin to declare that His wisdom and power are yours to do His will. Say something like “Lord Jesus your wisdom, power, and dominion are available to me to do your will.”
  • Lord help me learn how to be with you, and how to stay in Your presence. Acts 4:13
  • Bring other specific requests that you may have for yourself and others. Galatians 6:2

We shall have the final session next Tuesday, November 28. We shall look at “Depth and Pressure” for our final devotion. The Lord is your strength. Amen!

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