Helpful Guidelines
- Retire to bed early the night before starting a fast as we must be intentional. This will help you begin fresh and early. God is honored through our being intentional.
- Set your wake-up alarm if needed
- Please read and meditate on the scriptures provided daily during this period. Please meditate on the scriptures. See Psalm 1:1-3 and Joshua 1:8
- When praying alone or during the live stream, please attempt to say your words out loud. This is a very powerful form of prayer as revealed in scriptures. See Daniel 9:20-21. Jesus Himself said, “When you pray say…”
- Write out any personal praise and prayer points so you can keep track and record when God begins to move over your situation with answers. This practice will build up your faith in God.
- You may join the fast from 6 am to 3 pm or 6 am to 6 pm. During either period make sure to stay focused and spend some time in scripture reading and meditation, as well as praying out loud.
- Use worship music to help you engage the tangible presence of God. If that is not possible the presence of God is always with us. Just engage Him in faith and you will not be disappointed.
2 Kings 3:15 says, “But now bring me a musician. Then it happened, when the musician played, that the hand of the Lord came upon him.”
Enjoy and engage with these worship videos
“Pray” by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
“There Is a Balm in Gilead” by The Adventist Vocal Ensemble - Please keep yourself hydrated with water throughout the day.
- Decrease time talking, as talking a lot consumes energy, and use your time for meditation (unless it is very necessary).
Why should we fast? What are some benefits?
- Jesus said His disciples would fast. Matthew 9:14-15
- Jesus said that certain demonic problems that defy human logic and scientific solutions will not yield without fasting. Matthew 17:21 (NKJV or KJV)
- Jesus said, “WHEN you fast” not “if you fast”, clearly suggesting an expectation. Matthew
- Fasting has been proven to be helpful for the overall health of the human body.
- Fasting regularly helps to kill sinful appetites.
- Fasting trains us in self-discipline
- Fasting opens the human spirit to receive indelible experiences and revelation from God
- Many moves from God have arisen from individual or collective times of fasting with prayer
- Fasting humbles our soul
- Ready about the Top 10 Benefits of Fasting with Prayer
- Read about Why Add Fasting to Prayer
Is fasting a religious exercise?
Fasting can certainly be an empty religious exercise, devoid of grace, as it is in many major world religions. However, the Christian faith is not a religion, it is a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Fasting is a decision to draw near to God in prayer with humility while focusing on spiritual things. Jesus set the example. We can choose to follow in His footsteps and find profit in the practice. Mark 1:12-13, James 4:7, Acts 27:21-23.
Doesn’t the grace of God remove the need for fasting?
The grace of God is given to help us accomplish what we cannot in our human strength. The testimonies we have heard consistently from some members at Joy Fountain are that they had never fasted before coming to Joy Fountain, but once they set their minds to it, they received great grace and found they had a spiritually fulfilling experience.
The pregnant, elderly, the infirm, and those who are on a heavy medication regime are not advised to fast. Please consult your medical professional for advice and govern yourself accordingly.
If the exemptions apply to you, you are still expected to pray as Jesus said, “My house shall be called a house of prayer.” The place of gathering is God’s house. You are also God’s house as the Bible says “You are the temple of the Holy Spirit.”
Read more about Prayer & Fasting
Join the Joy Fountain Prayer & Fasting Group
Register to participate in weekly prayer meeting live streams, with various times of fasting throughout the year.
Our focus for 2024 is going Deeper With Jesus.
Registrants will receive prayer points, notifications and reminders about prayer meeting live streams, fasts, and more.

Joy Fountain Church is a church located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
We believe that prayer and fasting is an important part of a believer’s life. If you’re in the Winnipeg area and would like to learn more about prayer and fasting, join us at one of our Sunday services or at a prayer meeting!
In-person meetings are on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. CT at 106 Burnett Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
You can also join the live stream of our 10:00 a.m. CT service online.