Fishers Of Men
“Follow Me And I Will Make You…”
We have established earlier in day 17 that drawing near to Jesus will result among other important things, a love for souls because Jesus came to win souls to God. His very first followers were offered an outcome. He said He would make them fishers of men. In other words, they would become people who led others to salvation in Him.
Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Matthew 4:19 NKJV
We all have a part to play in being evangelists for God’s Kingdom. I met an older lady recently (79 years of age) who carries a set of call cards she designed herself to hand out to people. I was impressed by her sincerity of heart and purpose. I imagine how many lives she has touched and continues to touch by this gesture.
The Gospel Is STILL Powerful (Romans 1:16)
The answer for humanity is still the Gospel. No other message saves, heals, delivers, and guarantees the future of our souls. This is yours and my message to the unbeliever. However, we need the wisdom of God to know when, who, and how to communicate.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”
Romans 1:16 NKJV
Your personal story of the Gospel’s impact on your life is very powerful. Have you tried sharing it with anyone recently?
Enduement From Above (The Holy Spirit)
We cannot be effective witnesses without the power of the Holy Spirit. Throughout Scripture, everyone God used in one way or the other for His glory was moved by the Spirit of God.
But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Acts 1:8 NKJV
The Holy Spirit indwells every saved believer but that’s not all. He also comes upon us for the enduement of power and fills us up as we return to the altar of prayer and fellowship with Him regularly. In tomorrow’s and final 21-day devotional, we will address this subject more.
Lord, Make Us
Paul’s passionate plea in his letter to the church in Rome in Chapter 12 is to submit our bodies as a living sacrifice to prove God’s will. A sacrifice indeed does not remain the same after it is placed on the altar. It is completely transformed by the fire. It dies!
I have often said, “God saved us to kill us (our flesh) slowly for His glory.” Paul says in Galatians 2:20:
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”
Galatians 2:20 NKJV
He also said in his letter to the church at Corinth “I affirm, by the boasting in you which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.” It means he was making an intentional choice for God’s will and not his. One who will be a soul winner will begin to place more emphasis on God’s Kingdom than his own. Did God not promise that if we put His Kingdom first all other things would be added to us? I trust the Lord to do exactly what He said.
But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
2 Timothy 4:5 NKJV
May the Lord work in us to do the work of the evangelist (bringing souls into the kingdom of God) among our relatives, acquaintances, coworkers, etc. Pay attention this year as the Lord leads you by the hand to that one person and maybe others that He is asking you to help in their walk towards Him and having them firmly planted in His body.
Bring them to Church. Amen!
Let Us Pray
Let Us Host The Presence Of God
Prayer Items
Please read and use the verses provided below for prayer following the “Model Prayer” Template
- Psalm 148. Give thanks to God for the completion of Day 19. Thank Him for making it to Day 20. Praise God we are one day away from day 21. God is good!
- Matthew 6:9. Hallow (honor and respect greatly) His name. He is our Helper and the Saviour of our souls.
- Matthew 6:10, John 12:32. The Lord’s will is that we lead others to Him. Pray that He works in the hearts of those you are praying for. Ask Him to show you where you are to deny yourself for His glory.
- Matthew 6:11, 1 Kings 17:1-8. The God who provided for Elijah in severe famine has a plan for difficult times for us His children. Pray that God will give us a deeper insight into this area. Have you written your prayer requests for 2024? What are you trusting God to do for you?
- Matthew 6:12 Give it all to Jesus.
- Matthew 6:13b, Luke 10:17-19. Pray with authority over every machination of the evil and lawless one.
- Matthew 6:13c, Revelation 5:8-10. Praise Him for His Kingdom, Power, and Dominion are forever. Glory Hallelujah!
Good morning,
I posted on Day 13, Jan 18th. The post was kind of personal. For you, your staff & maybe those in our group. If anyone else is able to view it, can it be removed?
I also sent an email. I would like to have a contact number for your office. (my # 305-310-4397)
My prayer & desire is to visit Canada next year during the fast.
This time spent with you has been a blessing! Thank you for pouring into us. May God continue to bless and keep you, your family & your ministry!
What a blessing you have been with your lively comments and kind words. Thank you ever so much. We have your number. Let me know if you would like to have us call you. My assistant will reach out to schedule a time that works for you. I hope you will join our weekly prayer coming up once we figure out by His leading what we need to do. Be blessed daughter of the Most high God!
Yes, Pastor
Please have your assistant give me a call.
Verneda Neely