Day 1: God Our Salvation
Monday, January 10, 2022

Welcome to the first day of our collective fast as we begin this year in earnest with prayer. What are you believing for this year? We will talk about that in a couple of days from now. Let us begin with laying a foundation, to begin with.
Salvation in general terms is deliverance and protection from harm, ruin, or loss. For us, as Christians, it also includes more importantly a spiritual connotation which is deliverance from sin and its consequences, brought about by faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. When we put our trust in Him we are saved from Sin, Self, and the power of satan our arch enemy. In addition to these three, Jesus also as Saviour becomes the permanent “Solution” to all life’s problems for us. We shall be looking at these in detail in subsequent daily devotions as we journey together. Buckle up!
When we look at the state of the world today from just two years ago, so much has changed. As a result of the frequent C 19 related upheavals, anxiety has shot up with many fearful that they might catch Covid or some variant with God knows what name. There is also the threat of job loss in several industries for those who refuse the vaccine or as it now appears future vaccine and booster mandates. Churches meeting in person at full capacity appears to be in peril if vaccination status isn’t checked at the door.
With all of these matters attending us the question arises as to whether we are able to continue living by the faith of the Son of God as Paul models and encourages us in Galatians? If yes, how? This is where we return to God who is our Saviour. In 2022 our prayer will be heard and He will save us yet again. We have our primary assignment which is according to Romans 10:13 our anchor verse to call upon Him.
“Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved”
Romans 10:13 NKJV
Many assume that the verse only applies to non-believers. On the contrary, it is applicable to both non-believing and believing. We have been saved and we continue going on being saved from ourselves and from the power of the enemy as we grow in Him.
“…grow up in all things in to Him who is the head”
Ephesians 4:15 NKJV
Prayers of Thanksgiving
- Give thanks to God your Saviour for your life and for making it to 2022.
- Give thanks to God for your family. Name each person one by one.
- Give thanks for the Church (His body on earth) that you are part of and how God has blessed you.
Prayer Requests
- Pray that God will save our nation and others from Covid and all the variants and mutants
- Lord deliver us from any evil that is upon the land
- Rise up for your church in these times and give us victory over satanic powers
- Please add as many other personal prayer requests as you have time for
He has eternally saved me AND he continues to save me from sin, self, and satan. I need only to call upon him.
That’s amazing!
Amen. He is able. The continuing part is something I forget about a lot but I think keeping that in mind helps us to have the childlike attitude of calling out to Him to save us from time to time.