Day 5 – The Eagle Abraham and Melchizedek

Welcome to day 5 of our 10 days of fasting and prayer. Whether you are going the entire 10 days or just taking out a portion, adding fasting to prayer is a double barrel and opens certain doors that would otherwise remain shut. I pray that your spirit is more sensitive and open to hear from God in Jesus’ name.

Every believer has the spiritual Eagle DNA. However, the reality of power does not materialize until we fulfill the requirement according to Isaiah 40:31. What is the requirement? Do you remember? It is to “wait on Him.” Eagle believers move a step beyond knowing they are saved. They are intent on serving (waiting on) the Lord according to His will.

Abraham was an Eagle believer. In Genesis 14, he secures victory in a battle to rescue his captured nephew Lot, from the hands of raiding armies who had raided Sodom and her surroundings. Abraham came out victorious fighting with 318 servants of his whom he had trained in skillful warfare. As it was the practice in those days, Abraham kept the spoils of war for himself.

As he returned from his victory, Abraham was met by Melchizedek a priest of the Most High God. This priest is described in Hebrews 7:1-4 as one without father or mother and without genealogy. This means that Melchizedek was God Himself and a Divine revelation of the forthcoming eternal Priesthood of Jesus Christ. Abraham gave to Melchizedek a tenth of the spoils and in turn, Melchizedek blessed him. I find it interesting that despite all that Abraham had been through in his life up until that point, such as having not seen God’s promise fulfilled in his life, and losing the company of Lot due to infighting among their herdsmen plus waiting to be a father of nations, three things become very clear:

  • Abraham was still very much in tune with God and that’s why he immediately recognized Divine presence when he saw Melchizedek even though he appeared as a human priest.
  • Abraham was not bitter against God for what appeared to be delays in the manifestation of Divine promises.
  • Abraham had no qualms giving a tenth of the spoils to God.

This year like Abraham, we shall be Eagle Believers indeed who “Mount Up with Wings as Eagles. It is time to ask the Lord how He wants us to manage our resources of money, time and talents. Is He asking you to give more to His work this year? It is a question that you should settle with Him. God will never ask you to do something He won’t give you grace and a blessing for.

Note: Please PRAY OUT LOUD using the scripture verses provided where applicable. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide your heart as you pray. If you know other Bible verses use them. Praying the Word is powerful and helps us focus on using God’s inspired words. Again please PRAY OUT LOUD. Isaiah 58:5-12 focuses on fasting prayer and benefits. Check it out!

Thanksgiving Prayer

  • Give thanks for bringing us into Day 5 of our fast. Psalm 100:4
  • Praise God for the revelation that flows from the word of God each day during this fast. Psalm 119:97
  • Thank God for that fact that you are a potential Kingdom partner with the resources God has given you no matter how small. 2 Corinthians 8:12
  • What are some other things you can give God thanks for? Go ahead give Him praise. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Prayer Requests

  • Ask the Lord Jesus to work in you His perfect will during this fast. Philippians 2:13
  • Ask the Father how He wants you to partner with Him with your finances, time and other resources. Remember God is faithful. Hebrews 6:10
  • Ask our Heavenly Father to teach you spiritual sensitivity. 1 Corinthians 2:13-16
  • Pray for Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Canada. Commit government and leaders into the hands for wisdom to do what is right and helpful for the population. Pray for their salvation. 1 Timothy 2:2
  • What personal or other prayer requests do you have? Present them as well. Psalm 18:6

Join us at 6:30am and 6pm for our prayer live stream HERE


  • January 8, 2025 at 3:03 am
    Ronnie Hill says:

    Ronnie Hill Douglasville ga. This is great spiritual insight and wisdom. It’s 4:02 am. This is my morning read and at 61 one of the greatest ever. Thank you

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