Day 24

Seek Out Healthy Relationships

33 Don’t be fooled by those who say such things, for “bad company corrupts good character.” 34 Think carefully about what is right, and stop sinning. For to your shame I say that some of you don’t know God at all.

1 Corinthians 15:33-34 NLT

As iron sharpens iron,
so a friend sharpens a friend.

Proverbs 27:17 NLT


  • September 26, 2019 at 7:15 am
    Érica says:

    There are two points to highlight about the proverb above. First, meeting two together in the name of the Lord will always guarantee blessing. It is a means of grace that the Lord Himself promised – where two or more are gathered in His name, there He is in their midst (Matthew 18:20). Moreover, we see a similar meaning in Malachi, for those who feared the Lord spoke to each other and the Lord listened to them (Malachi 3:16). When we sharpen each other in Christian fellowship, the Lord hears from heaven and is pleased. No word about Him that brings glory to Him escapes His attention. Amennnn!!!

  • September 26, 2019 at 11:08 am
    Kevin says:

    In the last couple years I have really pushed forward into full time ministry. As a result I have had to distance myself from certain friends as they were a drain on my spirit. I would feel so refreshed and alive and then hang out with certain people and my spirit would just be grieved. The other part to it is when I was around them I would be making comments I don’t usually make and feeling like I had to repent every 5 minutes. It was exhausting. It is so true as the verse says today “bad company corrupts good character” it’s amazing how quickly negativity can rub off when your around the wrong people. It is very important who you spend your time with and who you surround yourself with. And just because their family doesn’t mean they get a pass either.

    • September 26, 2019 at 12:27 pm
      Andaza says:

      This is very true Kevin. I wonder also though how we are to maintain a balance in ensuring that we have relationships with non believers so as to be there for them when there is an opportunity to bring the grace of God into their situations. There are times when I have told myself that I would dedicate a day a week or every other week to seeking out people who are non believers. It has been a tough ride for me but I am willing and trusting God for the help I need.

  • September 26, 2019 at 12:32 pm
    Andaza says:

    Friendship is one of the gifts of life. God ordained friendship. In fact He called Abraham His friend. There is also a popular gospel song “I am a friend of God” heard in many churches all over the world. I think we should aim at friendship with God such that our relationship with Him flows into relationship with others. It is important to be selective in who we hang out with. God is faithful and will bring into our lives the right relationships that will help us grow in our walk with Him. We have to be flexible and open to what God has ordained for us as far as relationships are concerned. We must stay away from bad company. Lord Jesus thank you for your grace that is ever so present. Help us to lean on you always.

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