January 12, 2025. The Amazing God!
Amazing God: Multiplied Healings Continued
Scripture Text: Please read Luke 17:11-19 and note what the Spirit points out as you read.
Welcome to Day 7. Receive multiplied grace in Jesus’ name! May your strength be renewed like that of the eagles in Jesus’ name.
The Healed Leper and 10 other Lepers
In Matthew 8 and Luke 17, we read of a lone leper and a group of ten lepers, respectively. One got a touch and an instruction, while the others got instructions for healing from the Lord. In the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law (Matthew 8:14-15), He touched her hand (her hand of service) so she could continue in her ministry of serving. He touched the lone Leper, gave special instructions, and gave the 10 lepers of Luke 17 and the centurion instructions. Each healing occurred regardless of whether it was a physical touch or a set of instructions. To answer the question from yesterday’s devotion, Jesus instructed the lone leper to go to the priest first quietly to fulfill the Law of Moses. If we must receive and maintain healing in the assembly, “no flesh should glory in His presence.” Fleshly excess would be managed by instructing both groups to fulfill Moses’ prescription first and not to tell anyone before the priest. Friend’s God and his glorious Kingdom must come first. Do we have the humility to handle multiplied healings in our midst?
Healer of Emotional Wounds
It appears that the lone leper in Matthew 8 had broken emotions. How can we deduce that? Usually, lepers move around in small groups (Read 2 Kings 7:3-10 to establish this.) Notice the number of “we” used by the four lepers in 2 Kings 7? That signals a strong consensus community. No dissent! It was unusual that the one in Matthew 8 was alone, acting alone and not in the company of nine or four others. He was dramatic in how he came (near) toward the Master (falling) to worship while asking to be healed. The 10 lepers in Luke 17 were not as dramatic. First, they stood far away (as required by the law at the time Leviticus 13:35-59) and raised their voices in unison as we read: “Then as He entered a certain village, there met Him ten men who were lepers, who stood afar off. And they lifted up their voices and said, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” Jesus did not walk over to them and touch them individually. No! He gave them clear instructions. One broken leper beyond what eyes could see needed a touch from the Healer’s hands to reach his wounded emotions—the others who held themselves accountable in a group only required voiced instructions from the Lord. Now watch this: One of the ten healed came back, and Jesus said to Him, “Your faith has made you well.” Being “made well” (whole -KJV) goes beyond the physical attributes of healing. It implies a total healing of mind, body, and soul—an all-around healing to include the often difficult-to-mend internal human emotions.
If we pray, asking that the church become a place of the miraculous healing of emotions so we can enjoy the wellness of body, mind, and spirit, we will see this come to pass. How will we ask if we do not know what to ask for?
Host His Presence
Let Us Pray Using The Model Jesus Taught
Our Father In Heaven, Hallowed Be Your Name
1 Chr. 29:10-12. Father in Heaven, we praise your Holy name today and always in Jesus’ name. Use the words in the scriptures to exalt the Father. He longs to hear our worship. John 4:24.
Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven
1 Thess. 5:23-24. It is the will of God to heal our bodies and, most importantly, our emotions. Let us pray for the touch of God by His Holy Spirit in the assembly of the saints when we gather and wherever we find ourselves. As we worship, may all emotional trauma be healed in Jesus’ name. Do you know anyone suffering from emotional wounds? Pray for them.
Give Us This Day our Daily Bread…
John 6:51, Deut. 8:3, Daniel 9:21-22. Jesus is the bread we must eat daily as we meditate on the word of God. Pray for fresh revelation today. Claim the divine power and strength of God to walk in His authority. Pray for the Word to create the miraculous deposits of divine virtue in you, His church, and all His children. Pray for New believers to be firm in Jesus.
And Forgive Us Our Debts As We Forgive Our Debtors…
Matthew 5:23. We are bombarded daily with opportunities to harbor hatred and resentment toward others. Lord, grant us the grace to walk free from unforgiveness.
And Do Not Lead Us Into Temptation But Deliver Us From The Evil One…
2 Thess. 3:2, 2 Cor. 11:25 Pray for deliverance from unreasonable people, wicked people, and false Christians. Make declarations as applicable, knowing that in the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and tongue confess that He is the Lord.
For Yours Is The Kingdom And The Power And The Glory Forever. Amen!
Close your session with praise for Him, Who is King and Lord forever.