Day 6

January 11, 2025. The Amazing God!

Amazing God: Multiplied Healings

Scripture Text: Please read Matthew 8:1-17 and note what the Spirit points out as you read.

Welcome to Day 6. Receive multiplied grace in Jesus’ name! May you hear the voice of the Good Shepherd today. Amen!

Multiplier of The Gifts of Healings

Our God is the Ultimate Healer. He demonstrated this perfectly when Jesus, His expressed image, walked on this earth; he was known for healing all kinds of sickness and disease. He also cast out devils that had caused infirmities, tormented, and caused deformities in people. In Acts 10:38, we read, “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” We see healing after healing throughout the New Testament account of Jesus’ life. One experience in the New Testament of Jesus’ healing ministry was when a leper came to Him in Matthew 8:1-3 asking the big question. We read: “When He had come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed Him. And behold, a leper came and worshiped Him, saying, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing; be cleansed.” Immediately, his leprosy was cleansed.”

There is concern among many Christian thought leaders about healing and how it looks terrible that one person gets healed and another does not get healed. The refrain is often, “How do we explain this?” “Does it mean God loves one person and does not love the other? Also, there have been charlatans fleecing the innocent of their hard-earned money. Despite all this, the Word of God is accurate, and God still heals. Looking again at the healing of the leper from our example above, Jesus said something to him that gives an essential clue to why we may not be seeing multiplied healings in the assembly of the saints during meetings where the presence of the Spirit is palpable. Jesus said to the man, in Vs. 4, “See that you tell no one, but go your way, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded as a testimony to them.” Why would Jesus say all this? Have you ever wondered why? It sounds counterproductive. Wouldn’t an advertisement like that be the best thing for Jesus’ ministry? Let us continue this conversation in part 2 tomorrow.

If we pray, asking that the church become a place of miraculous healing and for spiritual cases that seem to defy any human solution, we will see it come to pass. The Lord will also address what needs to be changed in our hearts to preserve miraculous realities. More tomorrow!

Host His Presence

Let Us Pray Using The Model Jesus Taught

Our Father In Heaven, Hallowed Be Your Name

1 Chr. 29:10-12. Father in Heaven, we praise your Holy name today and always in Jesus’ name. Use the words in the scriptures to exalt the Father. He longs to hear our worship. John 4:24.

Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven

Luke 5:17. Pray for a multiplied increase in healings in the congregation of the assembly of God’s people. Job 5:12-16 Us the authority in Jesus’ name to frustrate the devices of darkness.

Give Us This Day our Daily Bread…

John 6:51, Matthew 4:4, Daniel 9:21-22. Jesus is the bread we must eat daily as we meditate on the word of God. Pray for fresh revelation today. Claim the divine power and strength of God to walk in His authority. Pray for the Word to create the miraculous deposits of divine virtue in you, His church, and all His children. Pray for New believers to be firm in Jesus.

And Forgive Us Our Debts As We Forgive Our Debtors…

Matthew 5:23. We are bombarded daily with opportunities to harbor hatred and resentment toward others. Lord, grant us the grace to walk free from unforgiveness.

And Do Not Lead Us Into Temptation But Deliver Us From The Evil One…

2 Thess. 3:2, 2 Cor. 11:25 Pray for deliverance from unreasonable people, wicked people, and false Christians. Make declarations as applicable, knowing that in the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and tongue confess that He is the Lord.

For Yours Is The Kingdom And The Power And The Glory Forever. Amen!

Close your session with praise for Him, Who is King and Lord forever.


  • January 11, 2025 at 12:01 pm
    Monica Ulloa says:

    Matthew 7:1-17
    Shat caught my attention is the word willing
    Definition from the dictionary- ready eager, promp obedience, glady given.
    When Jesus said yo the leper see you tell no one, I get that Jesus didn’t want fame, but obedience.
    When Jesus said go your way show yourself to the priest, I get that the leper had to mention his healing as a sign of testimony to the priest.
    When Jesus said and offer the gift that Moses commanded, I went to Exodus 35 verse 4 and 5 and verse of 20-24….therefore it talks of giving with a willing heart

    • January 11, 2025 at 8:07 pm
      Andaza Hezekiah says:

      Monica thank you so much for your comment. Jesus was willing and He is more than willing today to do exceedingly abundantly above what we can even think or ask. Yes I agree Jesus was teaching in my opinion against fleshly fame

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