January 10, 2025. The Amazing God!
Amazing God: Multiplier Of Resources
Scripture Text: Please read Acts 4:32-37 and note what the Spirit points out as you read.
Welcome to Day 5. Receive more grace in Jesus’ name!
Amazing Multiplier of Financial and Other Resources
God is amazing at multiplying. He is interested in how we use financial and other material resources. Jesus taught that if one were faithful in little, such a person would also be faithful in much (Luke 16:11.) He also inferred that more would be given to anyone who diligently multiplies the resources they are provided (Matt 14:25-40.) The Father owns everything. He declares the following interesting things in His word: “The cattle on ten thousand hills are mine…” “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell in it.” This divine principle applies to all resources, including finances. Therefore, that means we are stewards of all we have under our control. This truth must shape our worldview when it comes to material resources. It is no wonder that people sold lands and houses in the early church for the gospel’s sake. Many have done that today, and many more will. Why? Because in the day of God’s power, His people shall be willing. Amen!
Some believers say, “The church should not be meeting in public buildings but in homes because it all started in homes and will end in homes.” This is far from the truth when we examine the scriptures used to uphold this claim. An example is Acts 2:46: “So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart.” So we see they met in homes to eat together and enjoy fellowship. But then it said before that they met in the temple daily. I think the scriptures show that both should be incorporated. A life-giving local assembly should have a designated public meeting space and less formal meetings in private spaces. If we are not under threat of persecution to death, a hybridized model of the church gathering in public buildings where possible and homes is a good thing, and many scriptures attest to that. I believe God will grant us multiplied financial and other resources to advance the Kingdom of God.
Host His Presence
Let Us Pray Using The Model Jesus Taught
Hallow His Name
Psalm 32:1-5 Praise and thank God for being our Saviour, forgiving, cleansing, and saving us from sin. Reflect on all of 2024. Go ahead and praise Him for other things that come to mind. Ps. 32:6-7, Praise Him for being our High Priest and Guide. Ps. 32:10-11. Praise Him for putting the wicked to shame as our Warrior and Protector.
His Kingdom Come, and His Will Be Done On Earth…
We will use our financial and other resources for Jesus and His glorious Kingdom. Let us pray for those who struggle in this area for the Lord to open their eyes in these last days.
Give Us This Day our Daily Bread…
John 6:51. Jesus is the bread that we must eat from. Psalm 119:18. Pray for fresh revelation today for you and the church of Jesus Christ. Col 2:6. Claim God’s divine power and strength to walk in His authority. Eph. 3:17. Pray that we all manifest the miraculous power of having the living bread within our spirit. Damage the channels the enemy uses to block revelation from the children of God. Use the authority you have in Jesus’ name.
Forgive Us As We Forgive Others…
Matthew 5:23. We are bombarded daily with opportunities to harbor hatred and resentment toward others. Lord, grant us the grace to walk free from unforgiveness.
Lead Us Not Into Temptation But Deliver Us From Evil…
John 12:31. The prince of this world has been cast out by the power of Jesus Christ. Amen! The enemy is defeated, and the battle is won. Declare these things in Jesus’ name. For Yours Is The Kingdom The Power And Glory Forever. Amen!
For Yours is the Kingdom…
1 Chronicles 29:10-14. Close your session with praise for Him, Who is King and Lord forever.
Over I have written down thoughts and sayings in a book They have given me some thing to think This one I think is interesting in what it says along side of your devotional. When Martin Luther was asked …..If you take away relics and pilgrimages and prayers to the saints and all those devotional practises what will you put in there place? Luther replied CHRIST man only needs Jesus Christ.
Wasn’t Martin Luther ever correct? Christ is our sufficiency