Day 4

January 9, 2025. The Amazing God!

Amazing God! The Multiplier Of Resources

Scripture Text: Please read Acts 6:1-7 and note what the Spirit points out as you read.

Welcome to Day 4. We are praying for continued strength in you and that you see the glory of the Living Jesus every day. Our Father in Heaven is The Amazing Multiplier. He can multiply anything we entrust in His hands. Jesus, the demonstrator of all things God, shows us this in John 6, where He multiplied two fish and five loaves for 5,000 plus people. Several other accounts show this pattern of the Great Multiplier, such as Peter hauling in a great fish catch at Jesus’ instruction and even asking for help from other fishermen.

Multiplier of Grace. Acts 4:32-36

The Lord is a multiplier of grace which is the ability to do His will. Jesus as a young child we are told in Luke’s account grew in favour (another variant word for grace) with God and man. If Jesus needed to grow in favour we ought to be seeking an increase in favour in our churches, our lives and the things we are called to accomplish for the Lord. What does this look like? A spiritual equation of three verses gives some insight. Paul’s famous prayer for the saints “may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all” and in his letter to the Ephesians “we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” And Apostle Peter’s “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” gives some insight into how this works. We can only do whatever God calls us to do by His grace.

As we know and learn more moving from being novices in His way, He gives us more responsibility. Before I got married and became a father I didn’t need the grace to parent. As a new husband and then successively a new father I realized that I needed more grace. The same principle applied to the Apostles of old. When Jesus was with them there were times when they behaved like children asking some silly questions, sometimes getting into betting arguments. In Acts 4 we see these same men had grown such that great grace was upon them. Great grace means a great measure of grace.

Multiplier Of Disciples.

The world needs more God-fearing people, followers of Jesus who genuinely seek to live in righteousness and please the One who died and was resurrected in our place to deliver us from the maniacal clutches of satan and the wrath of God. As the world gets messier and evil rises to an alarming rate, what a refreshing thing it will be to see many more people cross over from darkness into the glorious light of God’s eternal Kingdom. As in the book of Acts, I believe that as we fast and pray this year, He will grant unto us that we will see a greater harvest of new disciples in Jesus’ name. We must pray that we grow as disciples and become an attractive example of disciples being recruiters, just as Andrew did for Peter.

Host His Presence

Let Us Pray Using The Model Jesus Taught

Hallow His Name

Psalm 32:1-5 Praise and thank God for being our Saviour, forgiving, cleansing, and saving us from sin. Reflect on all of 2024. Go ahead and praise Him for other things that come to mind. Ps. 32:6-7, Praise Him for being our High Priest and Guide. Ps. 32:10-11. Praise Him for putting the wicked to shame as our Warrior and Protector.

His Kingdom Come, and His Will Be Done On Earth…

Acts 14:21 Pray for the multiplication of disciples this year that many souls will be saved. Also, pray for God’s people to be bold in sharing their faith with those seeking. Ask for us to be wise in recognizing God-given opportunities.

Give Us This Day our Daily Bread…

John 6:51. Jesus is the bread that we must eat from. Pray for fresh revelation today. Claim the divine power and strength of God to walk in His authority.

Forgive Us As We Forgive Others…

Matthew 5:23. We are bombarded daily with opportunities to harbor hatred and resentment toward others. Lord, grant us the grace to walk free from unforgiveness.

Lead Us Not Into Temptation But Deliver Us From Evil…

Job 5:12. Pray using the authority in the name of Jesus against every maneuver of the evil one against you, your family, and the church of God. Make declarations as applicable, knowing that in the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and tongue confess that He is the Lord.

For Yours Is The Kingdom The Power And Glory Forever. Amen!

Close your session with praise for Him, Who is King and Lord forever.


  • January 9, 2025 at 5:18 pm
    Jim Kitchen says:

    I read your message over and over and you left me with much to think about. I found this quote and thought to send it to you

    Life is not about staying alive or making a living but about living right and living for Jesus

    • January 10, 2025 at 12:02 am
      Andaza Hezekiah says:

      That is so powerful. Thank you for that quote. May we continue to live indeed for Jesus! Amen

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