January 16, 2025. The Amazing God!
Amazing God: “From Oppressed To Expressed”
Scripture Text: Please read Exodus 32:1-24 and note what the Spirit points out as you read.
Welcome to Day 11.
The Possible Distractions of A Blessing
The scripture says, “The blessing of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow.” Israel, a nation of over six hundred thousand men plus women and children, left Egypt freed from 14 generations of slavery with great possessions, precisely as the Lord had promised Abraham, their progenitor. These great possessions, besides providing for the immediate needs of the nation, were also meant to be used for the glory of God; however, somehow, along the way, the enemy tempted them, they got distracted and out of those same resources earmarked for God’s glory, a golden calf was built. They were blessed and had everything to prove it; however, they allowed themselves to get bored. Listen to their words: “Now when the people saw that Moses delayed coming down from the mountain, the people gathered together to Aaron, and said to him, “Come, make us gods that shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.” What nerve? Moses had been up in Sinai, away on God’s instructions, and they lost all spiritual stamina to withstand temptation. The people derailed several times, but the plan of God never derailed, as we will see in a bit. What God intended still came to pass. Are you distracted by some advancement you have made? It should not be so!
Expressions of Grandeur For The King of kings
Four Hundred and Eighty years after the nation of Israel was led from Egypt by Moses, Solomon came to the throne of Israel after the passing of David, his father, the beloved king and great psalmist of Israel. After a long history of ups and downs, God’s word still came to pass. A glorious house of worship was built to glorify God on the earth to the shame of the devil. The work was a detailed work of divine architecture with choice materials as the Lord desired. It took Solomon seven years to build the temple in Jerusalem. It was dedicated approximately 487 years after the Exodus from Egypt. The people whose fofrefathers were oppressed in Egypt worshiped the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the new dedicated temple with great aplomb. “Then the king and all the people offered sacrifices before the Lord. King Solomon offered a sacrifice of twenty-two thousand bulls and one hundred and twenty thousand sheep. So the king and all the people dedicated the house of God. And the priests attended to their services; the Levites also with instruments of the music of the Lord, which King David had made to praise the Lord, saying, “For His mercy endures forever,” whenever David offered praise by their ministry. The priests sounded trumpets opposite them, while all Israel stood.”
Despite what looks like a dearth of good, lower church attendance in many places, and dwindling morals, the Church is marching on because it is Jehovah’s agenda, not man’s. For that reason, glory hallelujah, houses of worship, places, and spaces dedicated to glorifying God and His Son, Jesus Christ, will and are still being built, and this will continue until Jesus returns for His bride for the glory of God’s Kingdom. We will be a part of it, and we will not bow down before the things God has used our hands to create as we continue to look to Him, our God and Saviour. He is forever blessed, amen!
Host His Presence
Let Us Pray Using The Model Jesus Taught
Our Father In Heaven, Hallowed Be Your Name
Psalm 84:1-4. Father in Heaven, we praise your Holy name today and always in Jesus’ name. Use the words in the scriptures to exalt the Father. He longs to hear our worship.
Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven
Pray for yourself and the church of God that we will never use what the Lord has given us to serve the idols of this world.
- Exo 20:3. Declare that you and your household will have no other God besides The Lord.
- Hebrews 12:2. Pray that the resources put in the hands of the church do not become a distraction.
- Isaiah 59:19 Stand in Jesus’ Authority against the flood of laws rising against the church seeking to limit what God has called us to do. Holy Spirit, we raise a standard against the flood of satan in Jesus’ name.
- Pray that false brethren be exposed among the church
- Pray for protection against all forms of witchcraft, Zech. 2:5
Give Us This Day our Daily Bread…
John 6:27-33. Pray that today and always, we will be satisfied with the bread of heaven. Pray for every new believer that they may grow in Christ as they start with feeding on the sincere milk of God’s word. 1 Peter 2:1-3
And Forgive Us Our Debts As We Forgive Our Debtors…
Matthew 5:23. We are bombarded daily with opportunities to harbor hatred and resentment toward others. Lord, grant us the grace to walk free from unforgiveness. Lord, today, I release every offender and every offense. I consciously choose not to walk in offense in Jesus’ name.
And Do Not Lead Us Into Temptation But Deliver Us From The Evil One…
- 2 Cor. 11:14. Pray for our eyes to be opened to the devil’s tricks no matter how covered the deception comes
- 2 Cor. 2:11. Make declarations according to 2 Cor. 2:11: “satan shall not have an advantage over me, my household, my church, etc, in Jesus’ name. Cover every area you can think of.
For Yours Is The Kingdom And The Power And The Glory Forever. Amen!
Close your session with praise for Him, Who is King and Lord forever.